TX USA Today: Nov 21, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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That existence explains or is the world, is the bullshit that is the mayhem. Every world is word. Everything is word. Deb What are you talking about? Given the nonsense of the extensive homuncular reality-mythologies of the soul, spirit, mind and psyche, please be more careful how you swing that flag. You should know that the post is meant for those who know the background of what I am researching. "I am talking about"(not) questions like. Is the world a simulation? Is the idea that it is a simulation the deep fake confirmation of existence, namely that some system or programming that exists runs it? Is that like the God explanation? Namely we exist because God exists and created us, and knows our purpose. As I've said many times. A point-i followed, supported or believed, is not point-i. To follow, support or believe something one must be an archetype character in the mythology, existence. Point-i is no such mythology. It is not ontological. The new deeper fake bullshit is that we're a simulation (the Matrix) & can control it Because somewhere behind it is some system running the simulation and that we can know it via our psyches, namely as the so-called intersubjective field. Hardly different to the abysmally primitive belief that the affairs of the gods or spirits determine our affairs. Sorry but no kind of terrorism works without "existence." The stakes are absolute. Point-i is the idea that everything is word, and therefore that the error "existence" is the mayhem, namely is the bullshit of human scapegoating for the error that "existence" itself is. Die fout "die bestaan" (die bestaan en die nie-bestaan) is die ewige sondebokspel wat die ma van alle stront is. Entropy applies to "a system," period. That anything is a system is the self as word-contradiction. It is the self-contradiction, existence, which is the self-contradiction agency. Cybernetics is next-tier bullshit. Entropy is but the error (word-destroying cancer) existence Energy, force, power and control are the bullshit "order."(order-and-disorder). Existence is the system as word minimizing, demonizing and denying itself. Existence is the impossible explanation, namely the non-word explanation. That it's both meaning & exists is bullshit. Or that water is water but also both wave and molecule. Existence. No article of faith is as solidly petrified as the bullshit existence. Existence-bigotry is projection conflating any critic of the concept and "the psyche." The psyche is only the current autocratic homunculus-trick. It and the mind. |