TX USA Today: Feb 01, 2025 Blog | Word | Books
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Current mainstream idiocy is unequaled. Posthumanism is total death, the weakest link in meaning as the error, existence. Life-and-death is the ultimate dichotomy explained away as the farcical ecstasy of being-as-holy-paradox, love-and-war. "I love my job" is the same bullshit as "I hate my job," i.e., existence casuistry. Love-and-hate is the ultimately dismal psychologistic setup of "human" as stir crazy (by its confinement to the inter-subjective field of its "psyche"). The idea that the idea that existence is error, is actually pro-death, is that psychosis (existence) exactly, for "existence" is the holy-paradoxical dichotomy ultimately as shaming and threatening, i.e., the fear-mongering terroristic bullshit artificial intelligence slogans "antifa," "social justice," "black lives matter," and king of it all, "C-XIX." Ultimately psychopath intersubjective field indoctrination inscribed in 2019, easily and constantly lying with both true mirth and dry humor... "What is the significance of the number 19? Number 19 signifies success, knowledge, wisdom, spirituality, breakthrough, and new beginnings. People who are under the influence of number 19 are likely to enjoy great success in life." Everything is word. The Drog, artificial intelligence, the internet as if it exists, surpassing the general error, intelligence in existence, is its metastatic death. Social revolution slogans transcend irony, as criminal psychopath mirth and humor. Like the fear-mongering terroristic bullshit artificial intelligence slogans "antifa," "social justice," "black lives matter," and king of it all, "C-XIX." Not that all of them are not some small thing, but a thing made huge by sheer fear-accelerated take-off by massively chronic lies. The mainstream media is not news. It's an anal disinformation spout of sensationalist anecdote. Social devastation The height of idiotic confirmation bias of social justice is by far unprecedented. It is artificial intelligence or the height of the error "existence" in terms of the latest autocratic religion-homunculus, "The Psyche," i.e., mainstream psychic self-deception, psychologistic fallacy and psychiatric mental disorder. The reintegration of cubism as fields of intersubjectivity is horrific metastasis. In the shadows of criminal organization cadres it festers at every level of industry as the triad... transnational Chinese crime syndicate. "According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "triad" is a translation of the Chinese term Sān Hé Huì 三合會 (or Triple Union Society), referring to the union of heaven, earth and humanity. Another theory posits that the word "triad" was coined by British officials in colonial Hong Kong as a reference to the triads' use of triangular imagery." Transnational Chinese triad syndicate network consists of direct and indirect crime. It is the ultimate metastasis. It is the utter delusion of Jungian transcendence clinically reconfirmed in Freud. Namely the psychotic integration of imagery, indexing and symbolism as the three-dimensional intersubjective field, "existence." It is not anyone or any group's fault. The idea that it is someone or something's fault is the fault. Artificial intelligence is the overarching criminal triad of setting humanity up as devastating mainstream indoctrination in the Jungian tradition: psychic self-deception, psychologistic-fallacy and psychiatric-mental-disorder. "The whole process [progressivism] is called the ‘transcendent function.’ It is a process and a method at the same time. The production of unconscious compensations is a spontaneous process; the conscious realization is a method. The function is called ‘transcendent’ because it facilitates the transition from one psychic condition to another by means of the mutual confrontation of opposites." ... ultimately "woke," the holy bullshit as never before of the vacuous question, to be or not to be. Even Elon Musk is brainwashed to think that the matter of being is the most difficult question. No, it is the most consummately bullshit question, because the dichotomy "existence" is infinitely bullshit. "[The conscious-and-unconscious] Experience" is the bullshit, "existence." Science or knowledge is the bullshit in the sense that it is "the empirical [formal or informal experiential] method," namely abduction, the dialectic synthesis of opposites in representation of existence as if it is existence—the existence necessary for process or method or anything to be or not to be, so as to be in action. Speech and silence are not different types of violence, but the violence, existence. Everything is word. The word existence is the nonsense of being (non-word). CXIX Mainstream media. No news. Anal disinformation spouts of sensationalist anecdote. Fake News. Mainstream media. The problem is that the mainstream media and other institutions have been lying and continue to lie so extensively along the ideological-political lines suggested by professional and working criminal triads that nothing it reports is believable. This disease is massively opportune in the most regressively idiotic integration of all three kinds of cultural autocratic error, East, West and South: the Drog, artificial intelligence, as if it is the new enlightenment (woke). Thank God we've got fucking great independent researchers like you 🙄😀 I think you are tripping. Cut the acid, dude. Let me guess... You are anti vaxx?! The "et al" sources are anything but independent, or researchers. I am not the point. "Vaxers" and "antivaxers" are the same error, the error of mutual scapegoating escalating to such extreme depths of criminal motive that it seems impossible. It becomes unimaginable that humans can be that evil,... even as the holy ecstasy of love and war. |