TX USA Today: Nov 21, 2024 Blog | Word | Books
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Bereavement is abysmally path.etic archetype in the psycho.path bullshit existence. Path, pathetic, pathology, empathy. Like everything, existence is word, but of all words it is the most fundamentalistic bigotry, the one beaten path that is the abyss. I.e., passion or ecstasy. The ecstasy of love and war. Tearfully suffering passionate sacrifice of the paradoxical farce that non-word word is, is the hero as the antihero's journey next-tier... where passion derives in the Greek origin of pathos, "to suffer." The chronic explanation that word is not word, is made sacred or holy (paradoxically the hole, incompleteness-as-complete or abyss-as-sacred) by the Passion that sacrifice or suffering is. The error is used as scapegoating mechanism freely with debilitating opportunity cost for each human psyche and the human species in terms of "the other." As such "inside" is no less "behind the scenes" than "outside." I.e., oneself is no less "the other" to oneself than someone other than oneself is the other. "Together" is the Ultimate Killing Fields The subject-object dichotomy is the holy and ecstatic farce of congregational sacrament that oneself (me, myself or together) is no less the other than someone else (they) is the other. The idea that existence is the how and why of anything, particularly the self and the other, is the error, the other, namely the homunculi like spirit, soul, mind or psyche that are the mutually transferred scapegoat-landscape that is the mayhem. Together, euphemized as unity or not, is no less the error of the other than the individual narcissistic psychopath, if existence persists as the explanation, for then everything is about Power as never before, namely Narcissismus, the zombie, junkie and crazie mass Empowerment (by whom? re. Ronald Green... by What, by the posthumanist metastasss of word, The Dragon, AI). What is happening now is a trial run. The abysmal stupidity Woke kills, indiscriminately. Ronald Green's how-and-why explanation of word, "existence" is the past in terms of the who's abstract idealism, and by virtue of sensation, that such idealism is not only word but what empowers the who's words. And the words of the who together, for it is not mere sensation either, but power (magic spirit), which is not only more than mere idea, but more than sense itself. After all, everything needs explanation how and why beyond word, sensation and even power itself, which brings whoever who is, back to who. Ad hominem derived and integrated in such a funk of self-contradiction that its only explanation is holiness and ecstasy. But it truly is no one's fault. The dismal error, Existence is sheer archetype mythology. Empathy is the newfangled ecstasy of love and war. Calypso is the esoteric holocaust, Existence, as Apocalypse is its utter consummation I think the whole Pigman concept is awesome, so, excuse me, how does anyone know animals feel horror to any extent like humans do? That apart from the question if humans necessarily feel horror in the first place. Furthermore, what if "the psyche," on which much of the sensational horror stories for human normalization-and-naturalization (human archetype-construct) are based, is a fake homunculus for supposedly elite (esoteric) control of the masses? |