TX USA Today: Jan 28, 2025 Blog | Word | Books
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Today is World Philosophy Day. Searching about I discovered the simple gem, essentially to know subjectivity is, in terms of the subjectivity thus discovered, being objective. Only one layer deep, and there it is! Like "it depends what is, is" or "farce is holy," or "incompleteness" (absement) is "the thing." Or the question, "do imaginary numbers exist?" And the question in the normal tongue is a resounding, "yes." Never that in the holy doctrine, "existence, +/-" (x), which is a matter of action, what a number is, depends invariably on what "number" means, i.e., what the premises say. Or that number or symbol is logically never ever the same thing. Point-i is non-x. It is that everything, even so-called "evidence" or "context" is not just such willy-nilly reference (symbol), but word (even if it is nonword word). Anything or everything is word, but word is always the same thing, namely word. Given X Psychology is the new shamanism of the human scapegoat's supposedly junkie logic, i.e., fallacy in service of the supposedly zombie human psyche's self-deception and the supposedly crazy human hero's action and function, the mental disorder, holy farce. Books / Hide and Seek—The Psychology of Self-deception / Point-i ← latest version here So-called (NORMAL OR NATURAL) EXISTENCE is organization of relationships as opportunistically deterministic and probabilistic anthropomorphically personified intersubjective-field self-organization (more than just "hide and seek") as the durable categorical self-contradiction, non-word Word. In terms of the Book's Parts "existence" (necessarily with subjective interaction) consists and persists in fight or flight. Parts I, II and IV Formal, normal and natural are fight in terms of begging the question ad hominem, by abstraction (Part I), distortion (Part II) and projection (Part IV). Part III If not fight then flight or evasion (Parts III A and B) |