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Website "privacy policies" are Newspeak lies, i.e., word-metastasizing triad scat. The Psyche is witch hunt shaming Newspeak of what is enslavement as "empowerment." The Psyche is not ordinary slavery, it is word-metastasis, disguised as "together." "Together" is the metastasis of word in terms of "the psyche by autocratic transference in the intersubjective field," all the while proclaiming it as personal love and empathy once more in an existentially suffering under-heavenly world... of snowflakes. Website "privacy policies" are Newspeak lies, i.e., word-metastasizing triad scat. Psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists are the criminally religious triad of new witch doctoring professionally designing, cultivating and harvesting humanity in terms of "its psyche." As meaning (word), the soul is the cancer as the psyche is the metastasis, of word. I support religion only because psychology is the same error (the psyche instead of the soul as the homunculi for the bullshit meanings, existence and agency) many orders worse. My positive support for religion is like maintaining a cancer, to not become metastasis. It is slightly annoying to see 40yo skateboarders trashing the concept, very old age. I guess "sick" is already subliminally ingrained as the newer deep fake than "cool." Of all bullshit it's most certain "the psyche" is the highest chaos, the metastasis. Afrikaans Facebook Comment on Johannes 1:1,2 Die Woord het mens geword 1 In die begin was die Woord daar, en die Woord was by God, en die Woord was self God. 2 Hy was reeds in die begin by God. Die probleem met die artikel is dat die bestaan en die lewe rotsvaste supersemantiese veronderstellings is wat as die instelling van argetipe mitologie as meer as mitologie, as die buitewoordelike mistiek outoritêr misbruik word. Alles is nou, woord, ook woorde. Ervaring is niks minder woord as reduksie nie, asof "die bestaan" (om te wees of nie) meer as woord is. Die idee dat enigiets meer is as woord, deurdat hulle sg. "is," met die hoogste sirkulêre bevestiging van die idee dat woord nie meer woord is nie, "God," die opperwese oor sg. wesens wat sg. meer as woord is, m.a.w. ook woord het of spreek. M.a.w., Die Groot Verlange (Eugene Marais, my pa Leon Rousseau en die mens) is die nonsens van Die Groot Fout konteks vir Die Groot Gedagte, naamlik dat alles nie woord is nie, maar dat iets, nl. nie-woord, woord verduidelik: Die Bestaan en selfs hoër, Die Lewe, en hoër as dit, God, en selfs hoër as dit, die drie-eenheid. Dis presies sulke sg. holistiese gekarring wat die groot gemis en groot verlange van die sg. samelewing is. |